Belly up for DAGEN?

If these peo­ple don’t suc­ceed, I’m sure DAGEN them­selves will. I’ve been think­ing for a while now about what to think of DAGEN and despite my exite­ment about a new paper (any new papers) which is always nice, I have found the ones I have read so utterly and com­pletely bor­ing (yes, sim­ple as that) that I’m hav­ing trou­ble fig­ur­ing out who would actaully want to read this on a daily basis. As much as I find their dis­like for the com­mon point of view and the way every­thing gets turned into a two-sided con­tro­versy refresh­ing and necce­sary, it might be a view­point more fit­ting for a mag­a­zine as their search for sto­ries able to deliver a new way of see­ing things pro­duces page after page with­out any impor­tance or rel­e­vance what­so­ever. It’s all good writ­ten, the pic­tures are nice and in some way it’s nice not hav­ing to stare at really cheap com­mer­cials. On the other hand, I am not going to read a paper who adjust their writ­ing to fit buy­ers of cer­tain cars and hand­bags. It just might be that the large news­pa­pers have to recon­sider their own polit­i­cal plat­form and the effect it has on deliv­er­ing news, but DAGEN’s approach is defi­nately not the answer either…

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