Back to my roots with my pocket full of cash

So, you’re think­ing: How can this guy Pol­las afford all those flashy cars, fat golden ear­rings and pedi­gree dogs? After 9/11 that cer­tainly isn’t easy, but I’ll let you in on my secret as I actu­ally stole the idea from some of the big (Dan­ish) play­ers in the busi­ness, Jubii and B.T.

See, with all these ter­ror­istsearly-adopters using every­thing but Inter­net Explorer, pop-up adver­tis­ing isn’t pay­ing off any­more. So what you want to do is to tar­get other parts of the web­site. And as you want to dis­play your logo as much as pos­si­ble, why not go for tiling? That’s right: The background.

With­out ruin­ing the over­all graphic design of your page, a sim­ple logo in a colour you don’t con­trol, gen­tly takes over your back­ground. My cur­rent back­ground helped me buy a yacht; Folke­ti­dende, a regional news­pa­per from where I grew up, didn’t hes­i­tate when I offered them a non-clickable, lo-res ver­sion of their logo as a back­ground tile. Notice the work that went into lit­tle details like mak­ing sure the over­all colour blends smoothly into the site and the tiles don’t get cut off by the cen­ter container.

Get out there, make money. Let’s cel­e­brate soon.

Misc.. URL.

One Response to Back to my roots with my pocket full of cash

  1. Jonas says:

    Haha, excel­lent! Quick, gotta go get sponsored.