Art? Phenomenon? Thief?


Two things I really enjoy; Lego and iPods. And now it’s a lim­ited edi­tion art piece as well. And while pretty cool, I’m feel­ing that maybe the Apple craze has gone a bit over the top. Sure, we keep telling each other that once you get peo­ple to talk about your prod­ucts you’re there, you’ve made it. And we try to sell them weblog solu­tions to make the dia­logue hap­pen and mar­vel at their cool­ness. On the other hand, we are sup­posed to be crit­i­cal con­sumers as well — and maybe we’re not doing our selves any favours by wor­ship­ping every piece of well-designed plas­tic to come out of Cuper­tino. I don’t know..

But, it’s not all fun and games. This cute-looking piece of art might fuel an Apple-craze among some, among oth­ers I’m sure it’s just a mat­ter of “yet another black guy steal­ing some portable play­ing device and parad­ing it around in a park that used to be ours”.

Misc.. URL.

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