
A cou­ple of days ago I went to Ostkreuz to shoot a few picu­tures. I like the over­all bea­tup ath­mos­phere (and look) of the old train sta­tion and its mix of daily com­muters on the S-bahn and the regional trains roar­ing by.


As luck would have it, this weeks zitty has a fea­ture on the sta­tion. It turns out that it is actu­ally one of the busiest S-bahn sta­tions in Ger­many with over 150.000 daily trav­ellers. It is to undergo major ren­o­va­tion work, pos­si­bly begin­ning at the end of the year. Which in a way is kind of sad as very lit­tle of the old charm can be expected to sur­vive the heavy machin­ery. So the zitty story goes any­way. To the point: The fea­ture included a link to a pho­to­blog fol­low­ing the sta­tion; the Ostkreuz guide. Good stuff. There I found a link to another excel­lent site, Kopf­bahn­hof:

Die Galerie Kopf­bahn­hof zeigt Pho­togra­phien ver­schiedener Autoren zum Thema Bahn.

I’ll go back to Ostkreuz one of the fol­low­ing days. I didn’t have my tri­pod with me the last time and I need to do a few shots using that. And accord­ing to the trainspot­ters inter­viewed in the arti­cle, a Czech train with Pol­ish wag­gons come by every day at 17:15…

Tags: pho­tog­ra­phy, ostkreuz, berlin

Photography. URL.

One Response to Ostkreuz

  1. francesca says:

    wow ostkreuz! rulez!!!!!!