

I have no idea what this does on a sheet of toi­let roll paper. But I guess it’s nice. Thank yous are per def­i­n­i­tion nice, no?

Maybe it’s a mea­sure to make sure peo­ple (espe­cially men who are known to look a bit guilty when leav­ing the lit­tle boys room — or so I hear) are at ease when leav­ing the toi­let; a way of say­ing “you’ve done a good job”.

Some words of cau­tion for peo­ple think­ing of doing sim­i­lar posts:

- When at a pub­lic place and hav­ing just made a good cam­phone shot, try not to look too happy when leav­ing the facil­i­ties. You have a good rea­son to be smil­ing — other peo­ple don’t know that. And you might not want to send out a sig­nal like that — in a sit­u­a­tion like that.

- When trans­fer­ring your pic­ture to your lap­top, make sure Blue­tooth is on — oth­er­wise you might end up send­ing the pic­ture to some­one else if you aren’t care­ful. I came this close to send­ing this pic­ture to some­one named Grit — from a cell­phone that has my blog url as its Blue­tooth name.

And yes, there are sooo many ways I could have staged this photo to make it look even more strange — but I went for the clean, family-friendly ver­sion. You can thank me later.

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