Videoblogging Week 2006 is over

So. It’s over. It was good fun. A quick summary:

Mon­day: Docu-style ego piece. Liv­ing in the city. Way too long.
Tues­day: Shot 2+ hours at a con­fer­ence at FDIH, didn’t get time to to soemthing exclu­sively for VBW06.
Wednes­day: Went to the air­port at night to shoot pic­tures.
Thurs­day: Inter­est­ing day. Set up a “main­stream media is inter­view­ing some­one, let’s film them doing it” sit­u­a­tion, but ended up hav­ing a dis­cus­sion about whether I could use the footage or not. More about that in a dif­fer­ent post — and I promise to get some video up soon (the reporter turned out to be some­one I went to high school with, oh the irony).
Fri­day: Got drunk with the Flickr-crew and afore­men­tioned reporter. No need to doc­u­ment that.
Sat­ur­day: Air­play ope­nen­ing. Long-ish, but I guess that’s ok for that one.
Sun­day: Shitty weather report. Short and bor­ing. But short’s good.

So in con­clu­sion: Post­ing video every day is hard work. Espe­cially if you have a busy week already. But I learned stuff, found a lot of old mate­r­ial I’ll con­sider post­ing, thought about a few things, got into inter­est­ing talks with peo­ple about vlog­ging. All in all: I had fun.

Media, Video , . URL.