Video stuff

Mixed video related stuff:

Cool sum­mary of Videoblog­ging Week 2006: Vlog­gers of Videoblog­ging week 2006 (I have a small rainy clip in there).

List of this year’s Dan­ish par­tic­i­pants over at Andreas’, includ­ing a good sug­ges­tion from Jon Froda that we tag videos in Dan­ish videodk.

Also, Help a viking grad­u­ate. Afore­men­tioned Andreas of has a videoblog sur­vey up. Give him a hand, there’s some­thing in it for all of us:

In a tem­po­rary fit of insan­ity I have vowed to do a cat vlog if I get 250 responses, and to film myself talk­ing to the cam­era if I get 500 responses

And I’m try­ing a few things out: I’m giv­ing a spin. So far it’s work­ing fine; FTP-uploads, cross­post­ing and all. And got myself a Pow­er­mate. I’ll let you know if that makes any­thing eas­ier or if it’s just a piece of metal on a string.

Video , , , . URL.

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