reboot8 is over

reboot8 is over

His­tory and draw­ings from Tveskov (hope he has some­thing on the cars), reboot8 pho­togroup (like the 23 fea­ture), good round up by Classy.

My video from the boat lounge on Wednes­daypic­tures at Flickr (added to the photogroup).

reboot8 was a tough chal­lenge. I guess it was prettty much impos­si­ble not to dis­ap­point any­one after last year’s insanely great event. Meet­ing expec­ta­tions like that is a bitch. How­ever, I think it was pulled off rather well. It seemed like every­one was busy doing their thing, result­ing in a less hec­tic atmos­phere. I attended a sec­ond con­fer­ence ear­lier in the same week and had to meet some dead­lines dur­ing the con­fer­ence, so I was a bit tired, not really capa­ble of talk­ing to a lot of new peo­ple which I felt I shared with a lot of the peo­ple I know. Nev­er­the­less, peo­ple were nice and smart and every­one seemed to have a nice cou­ple of days out. As a few peo­ple stated else­where, there might not have been that killer keynote that turned every­thing upside down, but come to think of it, that might be a healthy sign, that all the stuff we’ve talked about for years now…is real.

Noone had to per­suade every­one else that blog­ging / social soft­ware is the new black, noone won­dered if this and that might hap­pen next year or the year after. It’s already hap­pen­ing — and the reboot atten­dees is busy build­ing and exper­i­ment­ing. Next year I hope to see some­one chal­lenge what­ever it is we’re all doing, but for now I’ll just sit back and enjoy the fact that it’s hap­pen­ing. Right now.

The demos made that even more clear. Lots of inter­est­ing stuff being made and launched. Really liked the Imity demo — and the list of Bluetooth-partyers; Rust-imity.

The sec­ond day did it for me; there was more energy and I catched some really good pre­sen­ta­tions that made me think.

Also good to note the self-organising going on here and there, pecha-kucha being one.

Ended up at a bar, leav­ing at 7AM. I headed home, the rest ended up doing a drive-in at 7-eleven.

One last note: I guess I’m not the only one that look for­ward to the videos from the 2/3 of the con­fer­ence I couldn’t attend. Trou­ble is, it’s about 50+ hours of DV-footage that has to get cap­tured in real­time and con­verted into a for­mat suited for web — which takes even more time. They might have it all fig­ured out, but if that’s not the case, how about a col­lab­o­ra­tive effort where we split the tapes between us, com­mit­ting to cap­ture and com­press a tape or two. It might be a logis­ti­cal night­mare and I haven’t talked with the reboot crew about it, but at least I’ll be glad to assist…

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