Context-providing catching on

Seems like a point made as part of my share of the pre­sen­ta­tion at Berlingske with the Blogtid–crew is catch­ing on: betahq is doing a sem­i­nar enti­tled “Medierev­o­lu­tio­nen 2.0 — fra con­tent til con­text provider o.s.v.”.

And that will be my con­tri­bu­tion. I’m busy else­where mak­ing sure I don’t use ‘rev­o­lu­tion’, ‘2.0′ and ‘beta’ ;-) More on that in a later post.

(Dis­claimer: I’m not claim­ing ‘context-providing’ — surely some­one else must have thought of that too…)

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4 Responses to Context-providing catching on

  1. JensC says:

    This is a coin­ci­dence, but I actu­ally searched micro con­tent ear­lier today and stum­bled upon this old entry from Joi Ito about con­tent vs. context.

    Joi has been on to this from early on, artic­u­lat­ing these issues.

    Any­way, just thought it was funny coincidence.

  2. Your point on con­text providers was great. And you are right — At Esther Dysons con­fer­ence a few years ago sev­eral hours were ded­i­cated to the content-context dis­cus­sion. Nokias new N-series of mobile phones are context-sensitive which can not be said of many prod­ucts today. By the way — REALLY like your site expe­ri­ence. Dont change any­thing. Ignore beta and stay meta ;-)

  3. pollas says:

    @JensC: Good find — thanks.

    @J B_N: That’s what I thought. By con­text I don’t nec­es­sar­ily mean ‘con­text’ as in your exam­ple with the phones — but rather some­thing blog providers, com­mu­ni­ties etc. has to offer as a frame sur­round­ing what­ever peo­ple pro­duce. Although they cer­tainly overlap.

    Thanks for the nice words about the site. It’s stay meta and never beta — don’t worry ;-)

  4. Actu­ally the agenda at the con­fer­ence back in 2001 I believe the theme was from con­tent to con­text provider — focus­ing on how media com­pa­nies should move towards dis­trib­uted com­mu­ni­ties instead of cen­tral­ized media. I think the same day actu­ally deals were made between blog tech com­pa­nies and VC’s.…;-)