Business and sense 2.0

Just a small follow-up on my pre­vi­ous post, Busi­ness and sense to clear up a few points.

What I intended to do was to let out a lit­tle steam and sug­gest that we take a slightly dif­fer­ent path; I get annoyed when I see bull­shit, espe­cially when it’s unnesse­cary. It’s my right, might be healthy — and I don’t think it’s too anal and fear-driven/arrogant to sug­gest that who­ever think­ing they get it, make sure they do their best.

Gun­nar Lange­mark has posted some related thoughts, stat­ing that there are mul­ti­ple ways of doing things and that it’s the way it is. That’s true. But I don’t see that being a rea­son not to try our best.

Gun­nar sug­gests we pick our fights; bat­tle the big com­pa­nies instead of fight­ing the ant war. I couldn’t agree more. The thing is, I fully believe that the best way of fight­ing every­one else is to make sure we play our own game. A decent game with no sell­ing out and a clear state­ment of the val­ues we believe in. And that’s that, really. I’m not try­ing to cause a fight. Instead I sug­gest that we take it upon our­selves to dis­cuss some of the things out in the open and back our actions with words — and our words with action. We share the objec­tive, I believe. I don’t think there’s any value in being an arro­gant 1%‘er — but that what­ever value’s in there should be made clear.

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2 Responses to Business and sense 2.0

  1. It’s your right indeed to find that some peo­ple are sell­ing out. Nat­u­rally you can’t expect every­body to see it your way, but I know you don’t.
    I don’t really think there’s a big dif­fer­ence in val­ues, but there may be in your eyes.
    I don’t see peo­ple sell­ing out, but you may see it. That’s alright with me.
    I don’t sug­gest that you don’t take issue with bull­shit. I sug­gest that you do. But maybe we should dif­fer­en­ti­ate between the bull­shit and the peo­ple? We all bull­shit at times.
    Please let me know if I bull­shit. That’s the only way for me to know — if I don’t see it myself.
    We must make sure we play our own game — all of us. Even if we play dif­fer­ent games.

  2. pollas says:

    I’m not sure I think peo­ple are already sell­ing out. I can, how­ever, point to a project of my own where I did. It didn’t feel good.

    But please note, that I’m not attack­ing peo­ple here at all. Bull­shit is bull­shit. Bull­shit hap­pens. It comes from peo­ple. Attack­ing bull­shit involves peo­ple — but that’s not my point.