All the sexy ones

Ever noticed how cer­tain peo­ple have a ten­dency to use a lit­tle too much jew­elry, have high­lights in their hair, pat­terns on their jeans, striped sweaters and shoes with too many colors…all of it with no sense of style? Every aspect that’s pos­si­ble to mod­ify or add to gets tam­pered with.

Instead of look­ing at the whole pic­ture and set­tle on a dis­tinct style, they are all over the place, adding bits and pieces they hope will improve their expres­sion. The ‘more is better’-crowd. I bet you’ve seen them around. Usu­ally they are more than will­ing to include you in the process of decid­ing what to do.

Com­pare that with unfo­cused appli­ca­tions with lots of fea­tures. High­ligts and bling bling — fea­tu­ri­tis … is about inse­cu­rity. In the hope that some­one will like them, they try to have a lit­tle some­thing for every­body — and leave no area empty. Fear of white­space, fear of focus.

So next time you see a web app stand­ing in a bar look­ing ner­vous all pimped up, resist the urge to have a quick shag. Go for the hot one stand­ing to the side, with a relaxed look and an eye for com­bi­na­tion and color. Your future you will thank you.

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