Switching servers

I’m about to switch server. So if any­thing looks funny within the next 48 hours or so, it’s me tak­ing a long time to fix some­thing that shouldn’t take long.

Every­thing seem to ahve went well. Down­load files and DB dump, upload files and DB dump — easy-peasy. If every­thing seem to be out of order, please let me know.

Pollas.dk , , . URL.

4 Responses to Switching servers

  1. emme says:

    I think that you may have lost the style­files for com­ment­ing in IE… ?

  2. emme says:

    Oh, and for view­ing com­ments in IE :P

  3. pollas says:

    I have a feel­ing there are com­ments to this post. But I can’t see them. I’m on IE, my start­page is pollas.dk. Should I do any­thing about it?

  4. emme says:

    You can FEEL the com­ments? Karma-commenting? Commenting-clairvoyance? Now thats 3.0, man!