Version 2 of the Podio iPhone app

So, yes­ter­day we released ver­sion 2 of our Podio iPhone app (our own blog post here). With the 1.x-version you could inter­act with the global stream, work from your inbox cre­ate and view tasks, search your con­tacts etc. Really nice when on the go. But yes­ter­day we took the full Podio App expe­ri­ence to the mobile. Here’s why I think that was a big deal:

If you’re using Podio to work get­ting ‘more stuff’ avail­able on the mobile is a good thing, right? More is bet­ter? Sure.

But there’s more to it than that. Every day tens of thou­sands of peo­ple inter­act with Podio apps. And not just any app; they’re apps that are built or mod­i­fied to fit the team — by them­selves. From sim­ple ways of com­mu­ni­cat­ing around sim­ple top­ics to very elab­o­rate setups for spe­cific work­flows using a lot of cus­tom word­ing, cal­cu­la­tions, fil­ters — dif­fer­ent peo­ple on dif­fer­ent stages inter­act­ing with items. Some con­sum­ing, some super­vis­ing, some pro­vid­ing feed­back. Easy to set up, still fit­ting like a glove.

For these peo­ple it’s not about get­ting the full Podio expe­ri­ence on their mobile at all. It’s about get­ting their daily work­flow onto the device. Some use it com­ing in to work to arrive pre­pared, up-to-date on what hap­pened. Oth­ers need to be able to pro­vide feed­back to other’s work reg­u­larly, leav­ing com­ments or votes, to keep the ball rolling back at the office. And then there are some that will snap a pic­ture from the field and post it with a few notes, trig­ger­ing auto­matic tasks which trig­gers other activ­i­ties inside and out­side Podio. And a lot of other use cases. You get the point.

No mat­ter your role or your pre­ferred mobile use, you can set up Podio on the mobile to work just like you want it. Grab the apps that mat­ter to you, set them up the way you want them, bingo: A nice icon to click for any of the busi­ness processes that mat­ter to you while on the go. Apps built on Podio are pow­er­ful. Flex­i­ble. Hav­ing that struc­ture auto­mat­i­cally avail­able in a mobile inter­face is use­ful. Not just data, but struc­ture. It reflects how you work, what your processes are. And now you have all that in your pocket.

Noti­fi­ca­tions will direct you to any­thing incom­ing you should care about. Mix that with a few cherry-picked apps that let you stay on top of cer­tain areas of your busi­ness and apps you want to cre­ate items in on the go and you’ll expe­ri­ence what it’s like to work struc­tured and col­lab­o­ra­tively no mat­ter where you are.

I’m pretty excited about that…

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