Tag Archives: framing

Business and sense

Com­pa­nies are begin­ning to see social media as real­ity, just as the devel­op­ment of new web tech­nolo­gies in recent years seems to have paved the way for a new way of pro­vid­ing ser­vices etc. But if we are to take our­selves seri­ous, what are we doing to pre­vent things from going dot-com 2.0? For every new breed of tech­nolo­gies and ways of doing things, hype builds and under­ground entre­pre­neurs and devel­op­ers make it into main­stream. Con­tinue read­ing

Social media, Web Development , , , , ,

Context-providing catching on

Seems like a point made as part of my share of the pre­sen­ta­tion at Berlingske with the Blogtid-crew is catch­ing on: betahq is doing a sem­i­nar enti­tled “Medierev­o­lu­tio­nen 2.0 — fra con­tent til con­text provider o.s.v.”.And that will be my con­tri­bu­tion. I’m busy mak­ing sure I don’t use ‘rev­o­lu­tion’, ‘2.0′ and ‘beta’ ;-) More on that in a later post. Con­tinue read­ing

Social media , , ,