
Richard Giles has found a nice com­ment on that Whuffie busi­ness that Cory Doc­torov’s Down and Out in the Magic King­dom has caused every­where on the net.

I haven’t fin­ished it yet, but got off to a good start with the PDF ver­sion on my Palm on my way to IKEA ear­lier today. Some­how I feel that setup matched the tone of the first cou­ple of chap­ters pretty well… Maybe not… At least I don’t wear GAP or own any­thing Dis­ney

Culture. URL.

7 Responses to Whuffie

  1. MJ says:

    Why the Palm PDF? I haven’t got­ten around to installing it, Palm­Reader giv­ing me what I need (or at least, I think she does). Is it any bet­ter for read­ing books?

  2. MJ says:

    Oh, by the way, answer­ing will improve that whuffie of yours ;)

  3. Anders says:

    Actu­ally, I just had prob­lems get­ting the .pdb to work, so I used Palm­Reader and the .pdf ver­sion on the Palm which works fine…

  4. m says:

    PDF with Palm­Reader? Is that a plug-in?

  5. Anders says:

    Doh, my bad. Off course I meant the Acro­bat Reader (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html) which is nice as well, though :) Actu­ally I just got Palm­Reader to func­tion as well — appa­rantly a prob­lem caused by installing the Eng­lish ver­sion on top of the German…

  6. m says:

    ah, okay. It’s not my Palm­Reader, then (it is mine; I paid for it). I’ll install the PDF Reader tomor­row — want to fin­ish this (http://www.global-organisme.dk/) book. (Free PDF, like DOMK)

  7. Anders says:

    Oh, nice tip. Maybe some sort of list of free resources like these could be nice blog feature…