Thank you

A few words of thanks as a crazy week comes to an end. It doesn’t end here, this is just me being being grate­ful for what hap­pened so far.

Big day for us at Podio this last Wednes­day: The com­pany I started with a cou­ple of friends in a base­ment got acquired by Cit­rix. Which of course is a big deal. It’s a big deal because our baby is no longer ours and because it can now grow up to do what it was meant to do faster and with much big­ger impact. Which is what you’d want for any baby.

So we’re in a very good mood these days as we join our new fam­ily. The (huge) Cit­rix fam­ily has already proven to be nice and enthu­si­as­tic and best of all: They share our vision on what work should look and feel like in the near future. We’ll con­tinue to work out of Copen­hagen and San Fran­cisco and as I write this I have the plea­sure of look­ing out over our team which has made all this pos­si­ble in a very short time.

It’s been quite a ride and I’m proud and happy to see Podio impact thou­sands of busi­nesses on a daily basis. I feel grate­ful that we man­aged to get all these peo­ple to join us and work hard on get­ting Podio out there. It takes guts and skill to exe­cute on this scale at this pace and I’m happy to know peo­ple that can do that while being a friendly bunch at the same time. Here’s to peo­ple with guts:

Jon and I talk a lot. That’s how it all started. In the early morn­ing, in the late evenings, in the mid­dle of the night. Thanks for want­ing to act on our work vision. Thanks to Andreas for join­ing what was basi­cally an idea on day one, jug­gling thou­sands of tasks respon­si­bly with a level of patience I have yet to see matched by any­one. To Thomas and Ulrik for believ­ing and shar­ing ideas at the right time. Thanks to Kasper for join­ing the talk­ing heads with a no bullshit-attitude that makes all the dif­fer­ence, always. To Tommy for trust­ing us and for work­ing crazy hard with an amaz­ing set of skill and energy. Thanks to Chris­t­ian who had the guts to sign the con­tract while still in the base­ment, on a table built from ply­wood. He’s been run­ning a tight ship with Phil and I con­tinue to be amazed by the qual­ity these guys put into every­thing. I could go on (I’ll spare you). The team has been grow­ing quite a bit by peo­ple quit­ting good jobs around the world to come work with us, all adding their own energy and ideas, tak­ing own­er­ship of Podio and mak­ing it what it is. I’m work­ing with world class devel­op­ers and design­ers, I’m work­ing with peo­ple who put their stud­ies on hold to go full time on Podio, I’m work­ing with a ded­i­cated bunch of guys and girls that I’m proud to call my friends. Best thing: I’ll con­tinue to do just that.

I makes all the dif­fer­ence: From sit­ting below the ground, look­ing at dogs tak­ing a piss on your bike at eye level, strug­gling with the myr­iad of tasks a do-it-all-yourself busi­ness throws at you in those early days, to being sur­rounded by peo­ple doing their thing. The “hire peo­ple bet­ter than you” is totally true. Which of course is no sur­prise, really. I’ve been work­ing with the prod­uct all along, touch­ing pretty much every­thing. Now I work on the prod­uct with a team of very tal­ented design­ers. It feels great. I have great mem­o­ries of mop­ping the floor to Bron­ski Beat, mon­strous spread­sheets, events, par­ties, learn­ing every day at work, doing great releases. Ulti­mately, I’m pas­sion­ate about the prod­uct. I’m thrilled to be able to take it to the next level with this team.

It hap­pens in small incre­ments but I went from com­ing into work being happy to be sit­ting with the boys, know­ing that today we would again be work­ing like crazy, putting prod­uct out there, accom­plish­ing, learn­ing, fight­ing with a smile on our faces … to be com­ing into a big­ger office full of peo­ple I love, know­ing that more cor­ners of the busi­ness was cov­ered. And that we could con­tinue to raise the bar because every­one cared and believed. Hav­ing peo­ple around you that you trust and love makes me happy. Sim­ple as that.

So thank you. To every­one that crossed Podio’s path so far and encour­aged us to keep work­ing, to the mother of my son that put up with more than you could expect from any­one and inspired me more than she knows, to friends and fam­ily for being there. And to the team that I’ll con­tinue to work with. Thanks for believing.

And remem­ber: You ain’t seen noth­ing yet.

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Podio is now part of Citrix

Big day today. The com­pany I built with some of the coolest peo­ple I know is now part of Citrix.

Read about it here:

I’ll post a bit more later but right now I’ll just say this: I’m proud, excited to join what I truly believe is one of the great­est com­pa­nies out there in this space and look for­ward to fol­low up on our vision with even more mus­cle. Jon Froda and I started out in a base­ment with Andreas Haugstrup and Kasper Hulthin and worked hard to grow into what were to become a much big­ger team full of peo­ple I’m happy to call friends. Even on the tough­est of days, I enjoyed going to work and I still do. Because of the peo­ple. Sim­ple as that. Thanks.

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Look! Some letters on a poster.

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The amen break

Love the break, love the video. In the off-chance you never saw it, spend a lit­tle time get­ting to know the amen break.

The world’s most impor­tant 6-sec drum loop — YouTube.

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22tracks: 22 playlists of dif­fer­ent gen­res, 22 tracks per playlist, selected by DJs from Ams­ter­dam and Brus­sels. Giv­ing it a listen.

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Version 2 of the Podio iPhone app

So, yes­ter­day we released ver­sion 2 of our Podio iPhone app (our own blog post here). With the 1.x-version you could inter­act with the global stream, work from your inbox cre­ate and view tasks, search your con­tacts etc. Really nice when on the go. But yes­ter­day we took the full Podio App expe­ri­ence to the mobile. Here’s why I think that was a big deal:

If you’re using Podio to work get­ting ‘more stuff’ avail­able on the mobile is a good thing, right? More is bet­ter? Sure.

But there’s more to it than that. Every day tens of thou­sands of peo­ple inter­act with Podio apps. And not just any app; they’re apps that are built or mod­i­fied to fit the team — by them­selves. From sim­ple ways of com­mu­ni­cat­ing around sim­ple top­ics to very elab­o­rate setups for spe­cific work­flows using a lot of cus­tom word­ing, cal­cu­la­tions, fil­ters — dif­fer­ent peo­ple on dif­fer­ent stages inter­act­ing with items. Some con­sum­ing, some super­vis­ing, some pro­vid­ing feed­back. Easy to set up, still fit­ting like a glove.

For these peo­ple it’s not about get­ting the full Podio expe­ri­ence on their mobile at all. It’s about get­ting their daily work­flow onto the device. Some use it com­ing in to work to arrive pre­pared, up-to-date on what hap­pened. Oth­ers need to be able to pro­vide feed­back to other’s work reg­u­larly, leav­ing com­ments or votes, to keep the ball rolling back at the office. And then there are some that will snap a pic­ture from the field and post it with a few notes, trig­ger­ing auto­matic tasks which trig­gers other activ­i­ties inside and out­side Podio. And a lot of other use cases. You get the point.

No mat­ter your role or your pre­ferred mobile use, you can set up Podio on the mobile to work just like you want it. Grab the apps that mat­ter to you, set them up the way you want them, bingo: A nice icon to click for any of the busi­ness processes that mat­ter to you while on the go. Apps built on Podio are pow­er­ful. Flex­i­ble. Hav­ing that struc­ture auto­mat­i­cally avail­able in a mobile inter­face is use­ful. Not just data, but struc­ture. It reflects how you work, what your processes are. And now you have all that in your pocket.

Noti­fi­ca­tions will direct you to any­thing incom­ing you should care about. Mix that with a few cherry-picked apps that let you stay on top of cer­tain areas of your busi­ness and apps you want to cre­ate items in on the go and you’ll expe­ri­ence what it’s like to work struc­tured and col­lab­o­ra­tively no mat­ter where you are.

I’m pretty excited about that…

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Coffee and capturing devices

It doesn’t take much to keep me happy: Cof­fee and some­thing to record ideas.

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From Labrador Records

The Mary Onettes — Lost by Labrador Records

Labrador Records. You can’t not like that name. [via kbirken­bach]

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Wallee iPad Case

Recently got and mounted one of these. Rec­om­mended: It works, is easy to set up and use and leaves only a tiny lit­tle mount on the wall.

Plas­tic qual­ity could be more con­vinc­ing although it does do the job.



Wallee iPad Case | The Wallee.

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Little Computer People

Just remem­bered this lit­tle fine thing.

Lit­tle Com­puter Peo­ple — Lit­tle Com­puter Peo­ple Video — YouTube.

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AirPlay speaker: the iW1

I think I might try out the iW1 Air­Play wire­less speaker sys­tem when it comes out. Air­Play, recharge­able bat­tery, rea­son­ably priced. If the sound is decent, this with an iPad could be a nice kitchen setup.


via iHome: Dis­cover: Air­Play.

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Club Mate

Rumor: They’re in Copen­hagen, but we won’t tell you where.

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2010: A year in pictures

Ok, noth­ing has hap­pened here in a long time.

But this just to note that I’m try­ing out this year. It’s a sim­ple con­cept (I like sim­ple): One pic­ture per day for the entire year.

My hope is that I’ll over­come lazi­ness more often (keep­ing me some­times from shoot­ing and most of the time from post­ing) and get an excuse to bring my real cam­eras with me once in a while. Camphone-pictures aren’t that nice most of the time.

Ok, here goes: .

Oh, and a happy new year to all of you!


Bathtub IV — video

Just came across this video on Vimeo. It’s pretty damn cool: Tilt-shift-style time­lapse, mak­ing peo­ple and ships and heli­copters look like toys.

from on .


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DrupalCamp CPH announced

Office mate just : Dru­pal­Camp CPH 2009 will be at May 22nd — 24th. Don’t miss out. Last time was a huge suc­cess (and really good and lots of fun).

More info to come at .

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[DK] Dagens single serving site

Hvis du er som alle andre, har du tænkt, sÃ¥ det knager over hvor mange æg Irmahønen ved søerne i ¸benhavn har lagt.

Svaret findes her:

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[DK] Sweet christmas

Jeg har tidligere (med svin­gende suc­ces) arran­geret video­julekalen­der. Socialt og demokratisk (altsÃ¥ med svin­gende suc­ces). Men godt var det.

I Ã¥r er der konkur­rence og jeg trækker mig pÃ¥ forhÃ¥nd. Jeg fik tidligt nys om en ani­meret konkur­rent, der virkede mere ambitiøs, bedre for­beredt. Og sødere.

¥ decem­ber giver heller ingen aktivitet pÃ¥ denne blog. ¸lg i stedet . Det bliver rigtig godt, er jeg ret sikker pÃ¥.


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links for 2008-10-28

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links for 2008-10-22

  • Spo­tify DJ is a com­pan­ion app for Spo­tify that lets you broad­cast live DJ sets to other Spo­tify users from you PC or Mac.
    (tags: )
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links for 2008-10-17

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links for 2008-10-13

  • “Aliens Vote: here’s the deal — at least one out of every ten peo­ple liv­ing in the U.S. today is an alien. That’s approx­i­mately 29.1 mil­lion peo­ple; equal to the entire pop­u­la­tion of New York & New Jer­sey com­bined. They own homes & busi­nesses, pay taxes and go to pub­lic schools. While these peo­ple play a huge role in the U.S., they can’t voice their opin­ion in gov­ern­ment elections.”

    Because of this we decided to cre­ate Aliens Vote to see how this silent minor­ity could sway the upcom­ing pres­i­den­tial election.

    (tags: )
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links for 2008-10-10

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links for 2008-10-09

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links for 2008-10-06

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[DK] Pioneer-bilradio til salg (Jomito)

(Und­skyld, jeg er i krejler-humør. Jeg var pÃ¥ Lol­land, hev en bil­ra­dio ud af min bil og havde lyst til at prøve Jomito. So there…)

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