Monthly Archives: December 2004

You know it’s new year’s eve…

…when the local pole dancers stop tak­ing money from car­pen­ters but instead hand it back in order to get their win­dows cov­ered with ply­wood. Happy new year everybody.

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[DK] Værktøjet i orden?

Com­put­er­world, I er ikke just spæn­dende i forve­jen, men hvis der ikke er flere pressemed­delser I kan paste ind som egne artik­ler, og bevæger jer ud for at skrive selv, så sørg lige for at jeres interview-ofre har noget spæn­dende at sige. Man er i sin gode ret til at bruge nøjagtig de værk­tø­jer man vil, hey — måske de egner sig per­fekt til opgaven…men det er jeres opgave at overveje, om det kan have nogen værdi for andre overhovedet.

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Talking with your customers

Minor changes in the Base­camp pric­ing struc­ture (which is just fine and not the point), com­ments from the cus­tomers. While old news in the won­der­ful com­mu­nity of the inter­web, that ‘mar­kets are discussions’-thing sure is some­thing, huh?

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Flickr: A day in the life of…

Fine lit­tle project over at Flickr, A day in the life of.….. All pho­tos must be taken on the spec­i­fied date and should doc­u­ment your life that day.

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Kickass christmas carol maker

Zefrank’s at it again: the carol maker. Drop your elves in the grid and watch the lit­tle ani­mated movie.

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Blog redesign, episode 10

Haven’t had time to tin­ker with the new blog design for some time now, but upon yesterday’s dis­cov­ery of Favatars, it was a pleas­ant sur­prise to fin a Fav­i­con MT-plugin over at Gemal’s today.… On a related note, I recently put in a captcha-test on the com­ment pages; I’ve been hit hard by com­ment spam­mers lately — they made a big mess and my host started send­ing wor­ried emails.

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Kitchen AXers beware

A few sec­onds after I turned on the microwave, the music stopped play­ing and my iTunes came to a stop (which I’ve expe­ri­enced before when the AXes don’t behave as planned). The microwave oven and the AX is both just put on top of the fridge — radi­a­tion fuckup?

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Misc., Tech
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[DK] GratisDNS flytter hardware

Reg­istr­erede et nyt domæne for en uges tid siden, og ville checke sta­tus på Gratis­DNS i går, men det lod sig ikke gøre; siden kunne ikke findes — nav­ne­serverne virkede til gengæld fint. Con­tinue read­ing

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Back to my roots with my pocket full of cash

After 9/11 that cer­tainly isn’t easy, but I’ll let you in on my secret as I actu­ally stole the idea from some of the big (Dan­ish) play­ers in the busi­ness, Jubii and B.T.… With­out ruin­ing the over­all graphic design of your page, a sim­ple logo in a colour you don’t con­trol, gen­tly takes over your back­ground. Con­tinue read­ing

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Congratulations, Microsoft

You’ve suc­cess­fully made the worst pos­si­ble browser on the mar­ket the most pop­u­lar, turn­ing nor­mal peo­ple into slaves and web devel­op­ment into a painful game of “let’s see if we can find some way out of hav­ing to throw in tons of stu­pid, lit­tle IE-hacks instead of spend­ing time on real devel­op­ment”. On some projects, I think I spend about the same amount of time adjust­ing my orginal design for the IE users (aka ‘the real audi­ence’), mak­ing design­ing a lot less fun and fig­ur­ing out what to charge the client a big fat joke.

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Web Development
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You can adjust your record­ing set­tings eas­ily, just as you can plan record­ings, repeat them and have them auto­mat­i­cally added to your iTunes radioSHARK playlist.… Haven’t played with the time-shifting fea­ture yet, but basi­cally you just set the size of your buffer, and you’ll then be able to pause Lille Lars while you’re on the loo.

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[DK] Jeg, en vittig grafiker.

Iflg. Media­mac er jeg nu offi­cielt en vit­tig grafiker. Hvilket jeg altid har drømt om, men aldrig tur­det hÃ¥be pÃ¥ at blive. the human resources man­ager movies Stavgang eller Nordic walk­ing med tilhørende walking-stave er blevet den store motions­dille i Dan­mark, … Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Else Marie Pade

Et hur­tigt tip: Dagens Poli­tiken inde­holder et glim­rende inter­view med dansk elek­tron­musiks største pio­ner, Else Marie Pade, der for nylig fyldte firs. Men søreme om hun ikke også har skrevet en del slagere i sin tid som ind­sat hos det … Con­tinue read­ing

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WiFi news

Good: I’ve suc­ces­fully tested a wifi-antenna, extend­ing my wire­less net­work to the park across form where I live.… And once the out­side tem­per­a­ture rises, the sun will keep me from see­ing what’s on the screen. Con­tinue read­ing

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On Sony, Kottke, DRM and the bulldog lawyer approach to doing business

Sony, Apple etc: Please remem­ber that you’re in a damn for­tu­nate sit­u­a­tion when you have peo­ple all around the world talk­ing about you — good or bad — long­ing for your prod­ucts, try­ing to guess your next move, prais­ing a lot of the stuff you do, keep­ing your brand alive. We all dis­cuss, engage in con­ver­sa­tion — how come you think you can act com­pletely dif­fer­ent, com­mu­ni­cat­ing through gun­slinger lawyers, expos­ing your fear of not con­trol­ling a sit­u­a­tion that’s really not that bad, but that of course might show room for improve­ment? Con­tinue read­ing

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Upcoming concepts

Stuff we’ll see soon — if it’s not already there some­where: Bud-casting: Bud Spencer video sub­scrip­tion Slut/smut-casting: Remem­ber how the inter­web got funded?… Schott: Sur­bur­ban apparel-oriented white trash radio Hut-casting: [insert racist Tal­iban joke here] Snot-casting: Oh, please, no.

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