Monthly Archives: January 2005

Multimap with geotagged blogs

Clagnut posts that Mul­timap now har­vest geo­tag infor­ma­tion and is adding blogs to its maps. Take a look at the book­marklets at — nifty stuff; on a blog with geo­t­ags, click to see a map of the area with links to sur­round­ing bloggers.

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[DK] Din bank vinder — altid

Den berømte 50-øre, val­gflæsk, protes­tak­tion, griskhed, flip-floppin landbetjent/økonomiminister, civil uly­dighed, sjov og spas.… Morten havde en sær­præget oplevelse, da han forsøgte at gøre sit i den gode sags tjen­este: Se selv.

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[DK] Budskaber uden lyd

Er jeg den eneste, der ikke helt forstår for­målet med ‘fjern lyden’-knappen på de Kon­ser­v­a­tives ellers fancy flash-banner annon­cer? Indrøm­met, de giver bedre mening på den måde, men kultur-brian ser altså skæg ud, når han i fulkom­men stil­hed blinker med øjnene og håber på min stemme.

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Temporary feed redirect

It’s been a while since I’ve done a ‘it won’t be long before some­thing amaz­ing hap­pens on this blog’, so to not dis­ap­point any­one, I’ve tem­porar­ily redi­rected requests for my rss-feed to my FeedBurner-feed which is spliced with my I’ve men­tioned it before and hoped that I got round to do some splic­ing of my own to get camblog/sideblog feeds in there as well, but for now I’ll set­tle with just tak­ing a look at the sta­tis­tics of the blog feed. Con­tinue read­ing

Blogging,, Syndication
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Talking Heads-cast

Andreas informs us that TV2 will be air­ing reallife.log, a two-minutes-per-head-a-day type show with per­sonal sto­ries soon. I think he’s absolutely right, that vide­ologs on tv is a strange con­cept, that the per­sonal pub­lish­ing bit is inter­est­ing and that most … Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Die Dänische Volkspartei

Af grunde jeg ikke kan fork­lare (gæt­ter på for­doms­fuld­hed og angst for det fremmede), bliver jeg lidt bange, når jeg læser Pia Kjærs­gaards tyske udgave af par­tipræsen­ta­tio­nen (DF bruger frames, who would’ve thought): Ich freue mich, Ihnen das Grund­satzpro­gramm der Dänis­chen Volkspartei vorzustellen.… Zu dieser Verpflich­tung gehört die Notwendigkeit des Vorhal­tens wirk­samer Stre­itkräfte wie auch der Gewährleis­tung sicherer, geschützter Gren­zen. Con­tinue read­ing


[DK] Sund og rask DF’er

Bedst som man tror Ekstra Bladet har fået vin­klet en his­to­rie lige lovlig meget — og lig­e­gyldigt (rygtet vil vide, trods solid intol­er­ance, at ikke alle DF’er er skingre racis­ter med angst for brunt) — får Hans Kris­t­ian Skibby (med neger-blod i årerne, forstås) udtalt: Det lig­ger i gen­erne.… Selvom man er stolt og ikke spor flov over at have ekso­tiske for­fæ­dre, er det nu meget rart man ikke lige­frem fejler noget. Con­tinue read­ing


[DK] Sportshaller med folk i

Så skal de lige se ynglin­gene spille, og så skal de lige have en toast, og så bliver de, for nu løber her­rerne på banen. På den måde, selvom de er på min alder eller ældre, går de stadigvæk til hånd­bold uden at gøre det. Con­tinue read­ing

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[DK] Kære lyd-internet

Jeg får sjældent tjekket op på de forskel­lige sites med ny musik til down­load, men en ‘nyt fra danske upcom­ing acts’-playlist ville jeg med glæde synce med min iPod.… Forskel­lige typer kunne være ‘virtuelt plade­sel­skab pod­caster alt hvad de har’, ‘musik­skribent laver et rigtigt program/sammensætter sin pod­cast ud fra en ide’ osv.

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Live from Cafe Lucca, Kold­ing: My rec­om­men­da­tions for Cam­paign­Mon­i­tor. One of my clients wanted to start send­ing out newslet­ters, 4–6 every year, show­cas­ing their work and prod­ucts. Con­tinue read­ing

Web Development

[DK] Dagens citat

Du styrer Mogens Lykketoft med pile­tasterne” — I KNEW IT! [fra de slipse­bærende ynglinge ovre hos VU] (ok, det var umod­ent, men jeg stem­mer lis­som noget andet, mkay?) Con­tinue read­ing

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Moviestar, oh moooooviestar.…

While lunch­ing I watched the 12 o’clock news from DR and sud­denly dis­cov­ered some of my work. Con­tinue read­ing

Web Development
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This is cool: Skate video ‘Adapt’ from Stolen Moments; a 23 min­utes DVD-quality free down­load. Beau­ti­ful imagery, great music and trick skat­ing I’m not sure I would even have the guts to watch in real life. Con­tinue read­ing

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Clearing up confusion about the Mac mini

Clear­ing up con­fu­sion about the Mac mini (the Unof­fi­cial Apple Weblog : Yes, it will boot head­less, mean­ing with no dis­play or video device con­nected. While it is strongly rec­om­mended that you only have an Apple Auther­ized Ser­vice Provider crack it open and install RAM, hard dri­ves, Air­port and Blue­tooth, it will NOT void your war­ranty if you do it your­self. Con­tinue read­ing

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@media 2005

Good stuff: A nice con­fer­ence fea­tur­ing good speak­ers, a rel­e­vant focus (to peo­ple like me) and it’s not that far away.… Other Danes are con­tem­plat­ing a reg­u­lar out­ing (via k9k) — sounds good.

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Web Development
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Little Mac

This is about the new Mac mini, as an added ser­vice to you and the big inter­net cable in the ocean I’m not post­ing the pic­ture.… Any­way, since switch­ing (get­ting a power­book) I’ve been feel­ing the urge to get a non-laptop Mac; for file stor­age, as an extra play-computer — and for stay­ing con­nected, turned on or what­ever when I’m car­ry­ing the lap­top around.

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Get lost, pinball wizard

To the poor excuse of a man that insists on play­ing the pin­ball machine at the local water­ing hole incred­i­bly loud with that stu­pid ‘all men are just lit­tle boys’ look on his face every sin­gle time I set foot in the place: Get a life.… When I’m in the process of wak­ing up, inject­ing cof­fee into my body, I don’t need stu­pid noise from stu­pid trou­ble makers.

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OS X Wipeout

It won’t let you lis­ten to the music from the cd-tracks while you play, but iTunes will help you with that. I’m not into gam­ing at all, so I can’t tell you how dif­fer­ent games work: I don’t have them and I don’t play games… Con­tinue read­ing

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Trav­el­ling cam­era con­cept: That’s me in the first cou­ple frames, and appar­ently one of the women in it posed in play­boy. My mail­man told me so, and as I recall, it’s not the one you’d sus­pect. Con­tinue read­ing

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PodCommuter hubcaps

After read­ing Rus­sell Beattie’s post on lis­ten­ing to pod­casts while he com­mutes and see­ing the iPod click-wheel illus­tra­tion I thought of some­thing: Wouldn’t click-wheel hub­caps be a nice way to tell your fel­low com­muters you’re totally clued in? A decent photo of such a wheel on one of those hub­caps that stay sta­tion­ary while you drive and you’re good to go…

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Help victims…everywhere

So, the tsunami came, a lot of peo­ple died and now peo­ple all over the world are help­ing the best they can.… What is quite a prob­lem how­ever, is that while a true dis­as­ter, the tsunami isn’t nowhere near our biggest global prob­lem when it comes to peo­ple in need.

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Toy: s1001

OS X Flickr users, go take 1001 for a spin. Con­tinue read­ing

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