Creative Commons — you realize what this is?

Burn­ing­bird posts some really impor­tant thoughts on the use of Cre­ative Com­mons licenses. But while proper attri­bu­tion, ‘theft’ of com­plete web­sites etc. could become a prob­lem in some cases, the use of ‘gen­er­ous’ CC licenses shouldn’t stand out as being strange — maybe I do want peo­ple to be able to use design, code and ideas from my weblog with­out hav­ing to ask per­mis­sion, pay me money or what­ever. I post ideas and com­ments because I’d like peo­ple to respond to them, includ­ing the pos­si­bil­ity to develop them fur­ther. If one of them is good enough to start a busi­ness on, fine by me. If I didn’t want any­one to know about it, I wouldn’t have posted it on here in the first place. As what goes for design and code, I myself ben­e­fit from the nice peo­ple at Mov­able­Type pro­vid­ing a plat­form for my blog for free — if I develop any code use­ful for the blog­ging com­mu­nity, it’s only fair I give that free as well. That said, I can’t agree enough, that one should be very care­ful before ‘going with the flow’ and pos­si­bly choose to give it all away with­out real­iz­ing the consequenses.

Blogging. URL.

2 Responses to Creative Commons — you realize what this is?

  1. AKMA says:

    And again, it’s entirely pos­si­ble to elect a CC license that sig­nif­i­cantly lim­its a user’s pre­rog­a­tives in using the licensed material.

  2. Anders says:

    Exactly. As much as I like the idea of CC being car­rier of thoughts regard­ing shar­ing and knowl­edge exchange, the orig­i­nal pur­pose remains; to make clear _how_ con­tent is to be treated. CC doesn’t equal “any­thing goes” at all. Unless you wan’t it to :) Actu­ally, I think I heard of CC for the first time on Kaliber10000 ( in a post on how to pre­vent peo­ple from steal­ing com­mer­cial work of inde­pen­dent graphic artists. Which, in my opin­ion, is just as impor­tant as shar­ing all sorts of dif­fer­ent con­tent. It’s actu­ally pretty sim­ple: Some stuff is just ideas, which should be shared if you feel like it — while there’s no point in every­one steal­ing work I intended to make a liv­ing of. And there’s a CC license in there to fit all needs. Sweet…