Comments, FOAF, templates…

Was about to imple­ment mt-foaf v0.31, then I noticed this good news with a link to an Antip­ixel post on MT com­ments which I really liked, espe­cially after doing yesterday’s tem­plate adjust­ments which actu­ally just proved all the points. So I guess I’ll just wait a cou­ple of weeks before I start tear­ing the code on this site apart. How­ever, I’m really look­ing for­ward to it as I would really like to make the var­i­ous com­ment­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties — the inter­ac­tive and giv­ing part of blog­ging — as smooth as pos­si­ble. The whole idea of weblogs (this one any­way) is the exchange of thoughts, ideas etc. So go on, interact. URL.

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