Digital Patina

Inter­est­ing The­Fea­ture arti­cle fea­tur­ing Eric Pau­los and his idea to leave RFID tags on pub­lic places.

Pau­los wants to add an addi­tional layer of wire­less dig­i­tal infor­ma­tion over this exist­ing layer of phys­i­cal mark­ers. This is what he calls the Dig­i­tal Patina. One of the first exam­ples of this, he thinks, will be the use of RFID tags to leave mes­sages for other peo­ple who visit a pub­lic space.

A step on the way to apply­ing URIs to every­thing, an inter­est­ing way of track­ing and enhanc­ing the user expe­ri­ence of dif­fer­ent pub­lic places, and what’s best: He plans on just devel­op­ing a dig­i­tal tag­ging sys­tem and hand out tags to peo­ple and see what uses they cre­ate for them. “Build it and they will play with it.” Which is a phi­los­o­phy that goes for a lot of things… [via Purse Lip Square Jaw]

[Lis­ten­ing to: Shake Your Head — Adult. — Anx­i­ety Always (04:23)]
Tech. URL.

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