Ok, so I’ve switched (I can’t be arsed to link that up — you know what I mean). And apart from having to install every single piece of software I need (and finding quite a lot of new ones — yummy) , I’m oh-so-pleased.
But I’m not just finding OS X versions of my old favourites. I’m trying out some new stuff as well. And being an RSS-fanatic, I thought I’d give the different aggregators a test spin. I love Bloglines, but still. However, it’s not so damn easy. I’ve sort of been here before, though. I’ve tried out different aggregators on my PC — same thing. OPML is so simple! Or at least, that’s how it should be. But every aggregator seem to add their own little quirk — and there isn’t a standard for folders, groups or whatever aggregator x choose to call it. That sucks.
So, with my limited BBedit skills (which no doubt is a fine little piece of software), I had to cut the Bloglines export into chuncks corresponding to my different groups. But:
Shrook imported without hassle. It keeps crashing on me, though.
NetNewsWire doesn’t understand the exported file.
PulpFiction sort of understands it, but though being a Mail.app like application, I find the interface a bit confusing. Too yellow, and thinking about my feeds in quite a different way than I do…
So, I’m back with Bloglines — at least until I find the energy to either convert my feeds into a NNW-readable format, or Shrook (which I think is my interface favourite) starts running stable.
This is posted with ecto btw. Pretty slick, but I’m missing my Zempt-like bookmarklet that allowed me to launch the app from the page I wanted to blog.
But to sum up: How hard can it be to agree on an OPML standard? Bloody hell…