
Sit­ting at the local cafe, doing the morn­ing rou­tine; pour­ing cof­fee into my sys­tem, catch­ing up on mail and news. Two brew­ery deliv­ery guys have just fin­ished load­ing what­ever these guys load — now they’re both enjoy­ing a pint of lager. It’s not even 10AM — in a cou­ple of min­utes they’ll be back on the street, dri­ving an 18 ton truck through the city. Hmm…

Misc.. URL.

One Response to Snapshot

  1. jdreng says:

    Actu­ally, some of these brew­ery deliv­ery guys drink so much alco­hol that their sys­tems don’t work with­out it. They’re prob­a­bly bet­ter dri­vers hav­ing guz­zled up a few pints. And this is in no way con­sol­ing to me… :)