How to get chicks

Cre­ativeBits has an inter­est­ing lit­tle piece on image manip­u­la­tion from the ter­mi­nal using sips. Pretty cool stuff (at least for lighter-than-light hack­ers like myself), but what really hit the spot was the claim that you could use this exact tech­nique to pull:

Now, that I told you about this com­mand, you tell me what can you use it for, besides get­ting chicks of course?

Why didn’t any­one tell me about this before? I was at Bryggen yes­ter­day pack­ing a 12″ Power­book, sit­ting among loads of girls dressed in almost noth­ing. If I had known that a lit­tle image manip­u­la­tion would have worked won­ders, I might not have focused on con­sum­ing stu­pid sam­plers of ice teas and crisps from bad ass multi­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions. Note to self: Add a forum for leav­ing tips and tricks on life to…

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