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Monthly Archives: August 2004
MicroSaver, what to buy
I so need a MicroSaver, should’ve gotten one a long time ago. Anyway, now I finally remembered but I’m thinking: Key or code? The differences are pretty obvious and I don’t like the digital janitor-look, carrying a Powerbook and a … Continue reading
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[DK] Situationistiske løsblade
Lidt forsinket, men here goes. Fra pressemeddelelsen: Situationistiske løsblade Café Tjili Pop, Rantzausgade 28, 2200 København N Fernisering fredag den 13. august 2004, kl. 18–21 Kulturforeningen LOLA præsenterer i perioden 14. august til 12. september 2004 udstillingen Situationistiske løsblade. Udstillingen bestÃ¥r … Continue reading
Blog redesign, prologue
Blog redesign is all the rage these days. It always is due to the playful, geeky nature of the web — and blogs in particular for some reason — but the past month seems to be just a bit more intense. Continue reading
All wikis and blogs should be SubEthaEdit enabled
If you were using Mac OS X and have SubEthaEdit innstalled, you could have clicked on the icon to edit any page collaboratively in SubEthaEdit Fantastic! Now if only SubEthaEdit had a Windows version and all wikis and blogs, not just kwiki, could be SubEthaEdit powered. Continue reading
War on Journalism
A Fox News reporter has this comment: “It’s unfair, it’s slanted and it’s a hit job.… There’s also a petition to strip Fox News of their misleading trademark “Fair and Balanced”. Continue reading
Comment spam — you’re either with us or against us
Kalsey on a new comment spam technique In the war on spam if you are not for us; if you choose to look the other way and allow spammers to use your site; if you feel that keeping your site free from spam is too much trouble — you are against us. It’s about apparantly decent links to decent sites, the catch being that those sites have loads of spam already there. Google juice at work… Continue reading