Clearing up confusion about the Mac mini

Clear­ing up con­fu­sion about the Mac mini (the Unof­fi­cial Apple Weblog :

Yes, it will boot head­less, mean­ing with no dis­play or video device connected.

While it is strongly rec­om­mended that you only have an Apple Auther­ized Ser­vice Provider crack it open and
install RAM, hard dri­ves, Air­port and Blue­tooth, it will NOT void your war­ranty if you do it your­self. As is stan­dard oper­at­ing pro­ce­dure, how­ever, any­thing you break while attempt­ing any­thing on your own is not Apple’s responsibility.


The rea­son the TOP of the Mac mini doesn’t glow and pulse (this is my only gripe so far) is that there wasn’t
enough room to light it once the opti­cal drive went in :)

Which con­cludes today’s les­son: Go get one.

Misc.. URL.

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