Aaaand I’m back up

Greet­ings. I’ve been away for a good month now, not on pur­pose though. The server host­ing this blog started crash­ing when­ver I tried to post some­thing. First track­back spam got to it, then when post­ing, it would save the post but choke on the rebuild. When you get a call on your mobile from your host when you try to post, you know it’s time to switch blog­ging plat­form, some­thing I’ve been try­ing des­per­ately to avoid as I fig­ured it would take ages to migrate all the stuff, get­ting into the new plat­form etc.

How­ever, I’ve recently had pleas­ant expe­ri­ences set­ting up Word­Press for friends so I gave it a shot — and here we are.

Still lots of things to do, con­tent to migrate, design to, well, do (I’m not to happy with the stan­dard tem­plate, so I made it look worse on pur­pose — at least it’s a bit more mine now) — and lots and lots of tweaks.

So, bye bye MT. It’s been nice all in all, but that rebuild may­hem got to me in the end (I know, I know, dynamic tem­plates and stuff, but I like to make the shift with­out being forced to do it) and they’re pretty damn cor­po­rate any­way these days (and yes, I payed for it, that’s not the point).

I’m back at one sin­gle feed for now; all my stuff get spliced; the cam­blog is run via Flickr any­way, the side­blog is reduced to a cat­e­gory (very poorly I might add, I’ll post a bit about the con­ver­sion process later) — so I’ve 301’ed my pre­vi­ous feeds to the mas­ter feed. I’ll try and fig­ure some­thing out with regards to the old cam­blog archives.

Expect any­thing — and a bit of blog­ging on that very sub­ject — for the next cou­ple of weeks., Web Development. URL.

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