MAKE magazine
Finally received my pre­miere issue of MAKE, O’Reilly’s DIY/hacking/remix mag­a­zine. Like the lay­out, like the stuff they put in. I’m not sure if I think the bits on ecto and other lit­tle software-thingies add that much to the DIY vibe but all in all it’s a plea­sure see­ing a mag­a­zine tar­geted to this excact, grow­ing com­mu­nity of peo­ple deter­mined to hack everything.

Great tips on kite aer­ial pho­tog­ra­phy, decent sol­der­ing, cam­ou­flag­ing your SUV to look off­cial, thereby avoid­ing park­ing tick­ets, pick­ing tools to unscrew screws not meant to be unscrewed etc.

Oh, and it seems to be a bit Mac-centric. Nice1.

Tech. URL.

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