From the Free Float­ing Fac­ulty:

Under the theme PIRACY! We will dis­cuss file­shar­ing as a form of knowl­edge exchange and pro­duc­tion. We will dis­cuss the term piracy, not as in tak­ing to claim, but as in tak­ing to share and dis­trib­ute as talk about pirate media on the basis of the his­tor­i­cal exam­ple of the pirate radio Radio Mer­cur. We also invite the activist net­work Pirat­grup­pen to talk about their work and their fights with an out-datet leg­is­la­tion and to take part in a dis­cus­sion on file­shar­ing as a demo­c­ra­tic tool.
We will screen the movies Ski­bet er ladet Med…, a Dan­ish com­edy from the 1950ties about a pirate radio sta­tion assem­bling Radio Mer­cur, as well as the clas­sic Cap­tain Blood, star­ring Errol Flynn.
We are work­ing on pro­duc­ing PIRADIO at the Free Float­ing Fac­ulty in Chris­tian­shavn.
For this work­shop we will also use the venue Stub­nitz.

May 17th: We board the boat Stub­nitz to dis­cuss file­shar­ing and piracy…
Place: between “Lange­bro” and “Den Sorte Dia­mant”.
Time: 15.00 to 19.00

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