Berlin Snap Shots — tags

Damn, etc. tags are nice.

New city, new tem­po­rary sub­scrip­tion pro­vid­ing valu­able hints and more, such as Berlin Snap Shots, a nice snap­shot blog from Berlin.

Had good fun sub­scrib­ing to the roskilde tag dur­ing the fes­ti­val (the next best thing if you can’t go) and to the reboot7 tag the days fol­low­ing the con­fer­ence (great, espe­cially if you went).

I won­der if you can setup your aggre­ga­tor with a ‘sub­scribe until’-date — or ‘sub­scribe for the next n days’…?

Nyholm has got some good thoughts on Liv­ing through tags. Quick com­ment: The mas­sive num­ber of entries added to (or the other ser­vices) cer­tainly is quite over­whelm­ing. But for the first few days, I’ve found that tak­ing the time to quickly sort through it all usu­ally pays off. Often stuff pops up that I hadn’t thought of. but yes, I have nar­rowed down my ser­ach now.

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