
Went to Cen­tral Kino yes­ter­day to catch Weltverbesserungs­mass­nah­men (World improve­ment mea­sures), a documentary-style movie fol­low­ing nine pri­vate ini­tia­tives try­ing to make the world a bet­ter place — includ­ing Ampel e.V (train­ing car own­ers to respond bet­ter to traf­fic lights), Pri­va­tini­tia­tive für Äesthetic (sort­ing parked cars by colour) and Aktive Kranken­ver­sicherung (peo­ple train­ing to per­form surgery in order to save on health insurance).

I found it a tad too long as the points made were, how­ever funny, pretty sim­ple, but the idea is great. The site accom­pa­ny­ing the movie has more ideas for improv­ing the world, most of them not as funny as the ones fea­tured in the movie, though.

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