Almost forgot to post this. A few weeks back I stumbled upon a new 15-minute show on Danish national tv DR, Blokken.
Blokken er dit program. Det er dig der leverer og Chris & Lea, der præsenterer.
Udgangspunktet er dine oplevelser, fortællinger og tanker og programmet består først og fremmest af dine optagelser.
Viewers can send in their own recordings of anything they feel passionate about or simply want to share with others. The material is selected by the editors/presenters and showed with information on the recording device; DV cam, camphone etc. Viral clips are shown as well, found by the viewers.
It’s teen-tv, but nevertheless highlights the change in roles taking place when eveyone can grab a cheap camera off the shelves or got it built in to their phones.
I recently blogged about DIY show NØRD — these guys are on to something…