Vlog play

Shortly after hav­ing done my last vlog post I wanted to test the gear and see how it behaved in low-light con­di­tions, shoot­ing from a mov­ing car. I doc­u­mented the setup over at Flickr — in short it’s lug­gage elas­tics around a head­rest using a mini-tripod.

If I had a car I would prob­a­bly just use it for dri­ving around the city at night, lis­ten­ing to records. So that’s what I did for my test.

Copenhagen by night

cphbynight.mov — 4:48

Rough cut, pretty bor­ing — didn’t even miss the exit and go to Swe­den by mis­take. No action there… So just shar­ing the ‘results’. Image qual­ity is decent (have much more video but that’s pretty much the same), the mount worked like a charm and I’m slowly falling in love with the dif­fer­ent sounds of dri­ving a car mix­ing in with the music from a cheap car stereo. Aut­o­fo­cus is defi­nately a con­cern with chang­ing light conditions.

Video , , , , , . URL.

One Response to Vlog play

  1. Rasmus says:

    I admit it; I did not watch the whole thing. I thought you might’ve been exag­ger­at­ing, when you called it “pretty bor­ing”. You weren’t. But for sci­en­tific value, the study of light con­di­tions is cool. :)