Hero 2.0

Just a quick though. Some­one on the Umbraco mail­inglist helped some­one else out — this per­son then said the famous “you’re my hero for the day”.

So I’m think­ing, couldn’t some­one cook up a quick Hero app, 2.0-style? A bit like upcoming.org; you reg­is­ter peo­ple with their con­tact details (and a photo) — after that peo­ple can reg­is­ter them­selves, select their hero (as often as they want) and get a badge to dis­play on their blog. Maybe an option could be for how long they should be an offi­cial hero.

Two dis­play style options: Plain html for cus­tom styling, one ‘employee of the month’-ish one with a lit­tle frame and some stars.

Think about it. You could throw dig­i­tal respect in good people’s direc­tion, or wor­ship Satan, Gandhi, open source app devel­op­ers that make funky new fea­tures or what­ever tick­les your fancy.

Is it already out there? Is there an eas­ier way to do this? Nam­ing suggestions?

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