Listen to good advice, four-finger

I’m post­ing this with one hand.

I just cut straight through the nail and fin­ger on the tip of my left index fin­ger. And as if that wasn’t enough, Lars Pind had just warned me. So on top of being slightly hand­i­capped and in mod­er­ate pain, I get to feel stu­pid. Perfect.

But being a crea-techie, I did it my own way (com­pare with Lars):

  • Didn’t even enter the dexterity/accuracy dis­cus­sion but went straight for the cut­ting, start­ing with an avo­cado, los­ing the skin on the same fin­ger later to be short­ened, think­ing “hey, that was lucky — and I shouldn’t be using a knife as I’m really tired”.
  • Com­bined light and insanely sharp as for the choice of knife.
  • Didn’t think about pro­gram­ming, but how I actu­ally liked the knife (oh, the irony)
  • Didn’t try to save any­thing, just cut some chili — but I did throw away the bit of fin­ger once cut.

Point of the story, you ask? Lis­ten to good kitchen uten­sil han­dling advice — or don’t hang out with the jinxed programmer.

Misc. , , . URL.

4 Responses to Listen to good advice, four-finger

  1. Lars Pind says:

    Oh, no! Not you, too!

    I hope you get bet­ter soon. Mine is doing fine, I can type with the fin­ger, and have dropped tho ban­dage. I’m sure you’ll be fine, too.

    Lots of lov­ing, heal­ing thoughts.

  2. Trine-Maria says:

    NU stop­per I altsÃ¥:

    Flere danske unge skærer i sig selv, fordi de er syge i sjælen. Cut­ting er ligesÃ¥ udbredt som spisevægring og smit­ter, advarer chef­p­sykolog Bo ¸hl.”

  3. pollas says:

    @lars: thanks, happy to hear your typ­ing again — I still need to grow some skin & flesh.

    @trine-maria: vi er ikke syge i sjælen, men i fingrene…

  4. Hartvig says:

    That would have made a great vlog post though ;-)