I was eagerly awaiting FON’s entry on the Danish market. They even decided (clever move, btw.) to give away a bunch of routers for free instead of spending too much money on traditional marketing.
So I ordered one way before christmas and waited. And waited. And waited some more. Ok, maybe some contact was needed. So I contacted them. Waited. Waited more. Contacted again. And again. The third time, a message in their website from hell (seriously, this is 2007) said they’d been having some trouble and anyone that haven’t heard from them should try again. So I did. More waiting. Still nothing.
I’m not sure if I tried again or if that was the time where I decided to look elsewhere for help. In their forum, it seemed that a FON employee was pretty present. I signed up, hoped that all the complaints about the manual activation from the FON staff were about everyone else but me and hoped for the best.
I still haven’t heard anything. Leaving me with no FON router, apparantly no way — at all — to get in touch with FON. And a pretty bad experience with what was supposed to be their customer support. One thing is their website that is close to useless as they’ve obviously gone for some standard ordering setup that makes it wuite hard to input an address that’ll make sense to the poor delivery guy (which is probably what happened to my router). But it’s far worse that something as simple as an email doesn’t get answered. Come on people, play ball.
If I believed that a second order would be of any help to my situation, I would gladly pay the few dollars a router costs. That’s not the point. The thing is…I don’t. Just as I havent’t been bothered to help my mom get a replacement for the one she actually _did_ receive but appeared to be broken. Too much work…
All this just to say, that even if you do run a successful company that’s probably drowning in logistics and support requests and what have you, ignoring your customers hurt you. Make sure you’re set up properly before opening your doors.
Beta on web apps, sure. Beta on customer support and logistics, no way.
I have given up as well..
apparently the router ended up at TNT but they couldn’t locate the package without a tracking number, of course no communication with FON was possible..
It looks like FON shipped the router with no address or name information.. not so clever.
I was actually able to reach TNT and get my package delivered without a tracking number, just had to tell them who I were and where I live. That seemed to be enough for them, they even re-routed it to my office instead of home.
But now that I actually have got the router, I have also given up. A few days after setting it up. It literally sucks. The firmware sucks, the router sucks and the website sucks. Really — nothing seems to be working. When I was using it sometimes my public spot was working when the private one wasn’t, and vice versa. Very unstable, and very hard to find documentation. Back to the Airport it is!
If anyone wants my router, let’s me know.
I had the excact same experience as descibed by Jacob. Re-routing to office, only able to log onto public spot and then it breaks…Great concept + bad execution. Me back to Airport