iPod playlists

Af switch­ing to a proper iPod sup­ported by (= not a Shuf­fle), I’ve been won­der­ing why my stats page didn’t seem to reflect the music I’m actu­ally lis­ten­ing to (95% iPod / 5% lap­top). Turns out I hadn’t been logged in for almost a year (found a friend request 250+ days old) — and that I had to adjust my preferences.

See, uses has iPod sub­mis­sions on by default…but looks for a playlist named ‘Recently played’. On my Dan­ish OS lan­guage Mac, that playlist is called ‘Sen­est afspillet’. Bummer.

I’ve changed it, hope it’ll work.

Tech , , . URL.

2 Responses to iPod playlists

  1. Agent Angelo says:

    Ohh, that’s why.
    You run a Dan­ish OS ????? Holy smokes.

  2. dalager says:

    If you just need to sub­mit tracks to and don’t need the radio/social/overly-rich client, go for iScrob­bler: