How to get a brodband connection

… in 18 dif­fi­cult steps.

1. Won­der whether you have a telo­phone con­nec­tion in your office at all
2. Ask the super of the build­ing (let’s say he doesn’t know)
3. Call Full­rate, ask if they know what to do
4. Order the con­nec­tion to get things rolling
5. Ask super to install a tele­phone con­nec­tion
6. Watch elec­tri­cians run cables
7. Lis­ten to elec­tri­cians admit­ting they don’t exactly know where to con­nect cables
8. Call Full­rate for a TDC guy to con­nect cables prop­erly
9. Wait 10 days
10. Get up early to wait for TDC guy
11. Put up a straight face when TDC guy points to gray box on wall (not the one the ele­tri­cians con­nected), say­ing “there’s your line“
12. Inform super that elec­tri­cians are no good
13. Wait till friendly TDC guy makes sure evey­thing is fine with the real tele­phone con­nec­tion
14. Beg TDC guy to leave some­thing that will allow you to con­nect your Full­rate router to the actual line
15. Thank TDC guy for leav­ing wires hang­ing in mid-air
16. Find reg­u­lar office tape and ctt off the end of a tele­phone cable — con­nect
17. Test con­nec­tion by writ­ing a silly blog post on how to get a bro­dad­band con­nec­tion in a lot of steps
18. Wait for elec­tri­cians to come back and tidy every­thing up

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