Blokken — citizen video journalism

Almost for­got to post this. A few weeks back I stum­bled upon a new 15-minute show on Dan­ish national tv DR, Blokken.

Blokken er dit pro­gram. Det er dig der lev­erer og Chris & Lea, der præsenterer.
Udgangspunk­tet er dine oplevelser, fortællinger og tanker og pro­gram­met bestÃ¥r først og fremmest af dine optagelser.

View­ers can send in their own record­ings of any­thing they feel pas­sion­ate about or sim­ply want to share with oth­ers. The mate­r­ial is selected by the editors/presenters and showed with infor­ma­tion on the record­ing device; DV cam, cam­phone etc. Viral clips are shown as well, found by the viewers.

It’s teen-tv, but nev­er­the­less high­lights the change in roles tak­ing place when evey­one can grab a cheap cam­era off the shelves or got it built in to their phones.

I recently blogged about DIY show ˜RD — these guys are on to something…

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