Banksy sneaks work into Tate

Banksy sneaks work into Tate

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More Inter­net is a Sys­tem Pref­er­ences pane that uses Inter­net Con­fig to allow you to choose which appli­ca­tions are set as helpers for inter­net protocols

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House of CSS

A house made com­pletely of CSS — no images. Nice one.

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Slow Danes, simple Americans

Dan­ish King and Queen to come: Danes are slow, Amer­i­cans are often sim­ple, for not to men­tion one-sided

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Commercial X-phile

I just fin­ished a client web­site, Smag & Behag — and I’m quite pleased with it. Not because of lay­out, archi­tec­ture or some­thing like that (although it hope­fully isn’t too bad), but because it val­i­dates 100% XHTML 1.0 Strict, sends application/xhtml+xml to con­form­ing user agents and has rea­son­ably semantic/meaningful (fol­low this dis­cus­sion of terms else­where) markup. Head­ers are actu­ally marked with the appro­pri­ate header tags or replaced with graphic through CSS, rollovers are CSS-based as well, the use of DIV and SPAN are kept to a min­i­mum. Evan Goer of fame has a list of com­pli­ant sites at The X-Philes where I just added the site, one of the first com­mer­cial ones. Hope­fully the list will be utterly irrel­e­vant in the near future as I hope more and more sites will take use of web stan­dards. For now, there’s not even a real point (besides “because we can”) in send­ing the proper MIME type, as not all browsers under­stands it and the need for access­ing a fur­ni­ture site through XML must be quite lim­ited. But it seems as if devel­op­ers are slowly start­ing to pay more atten­tion to the seper­a­tion of con­tent and form, to proper markup and to the pos­si­bil­i­ties of CSS, my point being, that once you get the hang of it, there’s noth­ing hard about using CSS — and prac­ti­cally every­thing is pos­si­ble. Now all we need is CMS devel­op­ers and the likes to do their bit… and Microsoft to brush up on their .Net…

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Blog format changes

Changes have been made to the way this blog is organized.

First of all, I’ve been think­ing quite a lot about the whole con­cept of “low thresh­old”. The side­blog just added to this site is exactly such a thing; a run­ning list of links worth men­tion­ing but not worth a reg­u­lar post. In a way they’re what blogs used to be, com­mented links in a steady stream. I also like the idea, that dif­fer­ent types of con­tent is now some­what seper­ated, mak­ing it eas­ier to know where to look for what. Hope­fully it will help get a more tight feel to the rest of the blog. At the same time I’m look­ing for­ward to see, how this divide will effect blog­ging. But back to “low thresh­old”. I’ve been cam­blog­ging for quite a while now and find the “moblog” con­cept a bit mis­lead­ing. Cause while mobile, my moblog posts are not just that. They’re visual, low thresh­old posts capa­ble of mon­i­tor­ing life as it hap­pens around me, rang­ing from “because I can” live con­cert posts over live, mobile cov­er­age of the city I live in to posts which holds some sort of visual idea. What if I did mobile blog posts with­out pic­tures — or did a series of pic­tures with a lot of thought in com­posit­ing, light­ing etc.?

As it is now, the idea of moblogs reflects the tech­nol­ogy just a tad too much. So what am I gonna do about it? Not a damn thing, I’m still exper­i­ment­ing. The true inter­est­ing con­cepts here, though, are really “mobile”, “visual” etc. Com­bi­na­tions with regard to spe­cific projects will hope­fully be the way we will see these tech­nolo­gies applied in the time to come. For a start, I’ve added the newest moblog/pictureblog images to the right col­umn of my reg­u­lar blog, along­side the side­blog — it’s all low thresh­old, a sup­ple­ment to the writ­ten word, an oppor­tu­nity to freeze and doc­u­ment the city, peo­ple I meet, strange sit­u­a­tions. I tend to do a lot of cam posts that wouldn’t oth­er­wise have made it to the blog, “friend drink­ing bear”, “funny sticker on police car”, “nice sun­set”. And that holds a cer­tain beauty, actu­ally; leave things uncom­mented but with a small visual hint to what’s going on.

I’ll keep think­ing (please help me) — I’d like to see true, mobile trav­ellers blogs, proper blog jour­nal­ism, more visual blogs. There’s a lot of value in the idea of blog­ging and a lot of tech­nol­ogy to back it up if applied right — and interestingly.

As far as this site goes, I guess I’ll have to do some­thing about the way the xml feeds are orga­nized, how the dif­fer­ent infor­ma­tion scat­tered around the site is orga­nized etc. Over­haul ahead…

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Fast pandas

High speed pandas

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Extreme Walking: We’ve Got Sole

Thun­dern­erds — Extreme Walk­ing: We’ve Got Sole

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WireTap your Mac

Wire­Tap, Mac OSX soft­ware, allows you to record any sound on your com­puter; inter­net radio, IM con­ver­sa­tions etc. Nice one. Can’t wait to get my hands on that new 12″ Power­book… Actu­ally, you could do com­plete inter­views over the net…nice per­spec­tive… [via K10k ]

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[DK] AfsnitP fÃ¥r plog

Afs­nitP vender b-et i blog­ging 180 grader…: plog

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Anyone for beer?

The Swedes appa­rantly cut the cable. Can’t work — any­one for beer?


Cph powercut

Most of the city is with­out power. Funny how it’s totally impos­si­ble to work… Mobile (bat­tery pow­ered) devices rock, though.


Live from Park

Love Shop, yay!


Fogh is a four letter word…


Down­load .pdf

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Does the Right of First Sale Still Exist?

George Hotelling off 90% Crud is test­ing whether you really “own” music pur­chased at iTunes or not by sell­ing a tune on eBay. Beside being an inter­est­ing exper­i­ment and mas­sively blogged, it made me won­der if the pre­vi­ous owner part of buy­ing sec­ond hand will play a role in the future. Just like it’s cool to be able to say “this Cadil­lac was owned by The King him­self, you know”, will I some­day be able to brag about “own­ing Eminem’s copy of ‘Hit me baby one more time’” ?


Blog comments spam?

What’s going on here? This pre­vi­ous post’s com­ments now, as you can see for your­self, includes what seems to be the usual email porn spam. Of course of less value as MT strips the html (orig­i­nal com­ment includes links). Has some­one real­ized the value of hid­ing their dirty spam in the blo­gos­phere because of the good search engine rank­ing? Or is it just plain teen fun; adding obscene mes­sages to ran­dom people’s blogs? Once in a while I have to erase such bril­liant stuff as “Die!” and “Fuck you” from the com­ments around my blog, so actu­ally I thought it was just a prank, but it keeps turn­ing up…

Update: As read at Dan Gillmor’s eJour­nal I’m not alone…
Update II: Not alone at all — but Kalsey’s got some ideas on how to pre­vent it.

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New VolumenOne issue

The famous Vol­ume­One just launched a new issue. I see trucks, snakes, spi­ders and skulls. I hear elec­tric gui­tars. See, this would have made a good ‘remain­dered links’ side­blog post…

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Business model: Stuff-doing

From the Medi­a­monks inter­view at Lounge72:

The main Medi­a­Monks ser­vice is that we take care of stuff.
When a client wants stuff to get done we will sit down with the client to dis­cuss the stuff in ques­tion. After that meet­ing we will do a quick inter­nal check to see if the stuff can be done inhouse or if we need some spe­cial­ist stuff-doers to get involved and then we will actu­ally sit down and do the stuff. We call this process the Medi­a­Monks cycle of“stuff doing”. Our main skills are in con­cep­tu­al­iz­ing a solu­tion which deliv­ers the biggest pay­off for the client. We never think within our own skillset or skew what a client needs to what we like doing. We always look at the bot­tom line and go from there.

Excel­lent plan. A bit of hon­esty and respon­si­bil­ity gets you a long way…



Mus­ing’s now got a ran­dom Bushism from the list from Slate on the side­bar. Asked by goer how he did it (copy-paste to a flat file) he answered: “My motto is, ‘Low-tech solu­tions for a low-tech pres­i­dency’.” Very well put, indeed… My own side­bar, by the way, des­per­ately needs that ‘remain­dered links’ thingie. I’ll look at it as soon as I get the time — it’s a nice concept.

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Wanted: Proximity based messenger status

I do this prac­ti­cally every­day: I turn on my IM client, get some work done, chat to a few peo­ple, then decide to go for a cof­fee — and for­get all about chang­ing the sta­tus on the IM client. Or I receive a phone call, pick up the hand­set and walk off, either meet­ing the per­son who called or just decid­ing I might as well stretch my legs while this per­son deliv­ers some blah blah. Either way, it would be really nice if the absence of my cell phone some­how trig­gered the the Away sta­tus as I always remem­ber to bring my phone when leav­ing my desk. Does any­one know of a nifty prox­im­ity Blue­tooth ser­vice capa­ble of doing this?


Crackdown on — or how to get yourself a £ 50k lawsuit

I linked’s par­ody, ear­lier. Now Theis got this from the friendly peo­ple of — an angry let­ter from their solic­i­tors telling him to take down the site or pay £ 50k. The par­ody site take advan­tage of the sim­i­lar­ity between the word “krak” (which is a Dan­ish yel­low pages style ser­vice) and the word “crack”, well, you know what that is… then allows you to do searches on deal­ers etc. Fun and games. And then, stu­pid as they appa­rantly are, pull the “don’t mess with our brand” act on the site. Which, besides being highly ques­tion­able as a legal move, totally misses the point; you don’t want bad pub­lic­ity with regards to a totally inno­cent prank when you’ve got a well-known brand. You risk it just all back­fires, leav­ing you with the mon­key — and peo­ple with a brand name to remem­ber where it is… And come on, folks — £ 50k and a threat not only not to use the logo, but to stop linking?!

Update: The fun never stops.


Ministry of mess


Down­load .PDF

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Still work­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Copen­hagen I’ve run into a bit of trou­ble. The com­puter I’m using is locked so I’m not able to install cer­tain pro­grams etc. I can’t even install the oth­er­wise hor­ri­ble RealPlayer. Which nor­mally would make good sense in the kind of office I’m using, but kinda sucks when you know what you’re doing alright. And then this: Super­model Kate Moss becomes a pole dancer in the video for The White Stripes’ new sin­gle ‘I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself’ – a cover of the clas­sic made famous by Dusty Spring­field. See, that’s three things I like a lot. And you guessed it; it’s only avail­able for RealPlayer… Damn.

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Big Brother worries on RFID

Indy­Media: Wake Up! Wake Up! It’s Yer Chips With Every­thing. A Tesco in Cam­bridge (UK) has had to with­draw a trial plac­ing RFID tags in Gillette razor blades after mas­sive protests. While going full big brother at their trial, tak­ing snap­shots of every­one reach­ing for a pack of razor blades, under­stand­ably scar­ing peo­ple, this case raises the impor­tant dis­cus­sion where exactly to put tags, prod­uct or pack­ag­ing. Cus­tomiza­tion and 1-to-1 com­mu­ni­ca­tion require some sort of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, per­sonal or not–the chal­lenge here is to limit the pos­si­bil­ity of being mon­i­tored with­out con­sent and being tar­geted by all sorts of happy sales peo­ple. I’m get­ting enough spam as is, no need to take this into the pub­lic space, mak­ing my cell­phone go crazy as soon as I enter a super­mar­ket, pass by the new model of the car I’m dri­ving or walk by a brothel wear­ing my ‘Slut’-shirt. RFID has huge poten­tial, let’s make an effort to use this for the com­mon good and not let this be con­trolled by the next gen­er­a­tion spammers.

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Save Christiania, August 30th march in Copenhagen

Our sad gov­ern­ment does its best to “nor­mal­ize” Chris­tia­nia (read: shut down) which, I might add, is a hor­ri­ble idea. A protest march is being held on the 30th of August and while I’ve been rant­ing about the lack of fresh­ness in just doing another march before, I strongly sup­port the project; with a gov­ern­ment indif­fer­ent to debat­ing, you might as well show your sup­port by show­ing up, hope­fully with thou­sands of oth­ers. Please don’t allow this to turn into an issue of being pro or con on drugs–it’s NOT what this is about.

Good to see Cory giv­ing this some cov­er­age, by the way. Yeah!
