Finn’s streaming away, yeah!

And while on the topic of streams I just dis­cov­ered that Linux Finn is stream­ing, at least until some­one finds out :) Now we just need to find out if stream­ing Rob­bie Williams with Maxi Jazz and Jack­son Five is really worth the effort.

Culture. URL.

4 Responses to Finn’s streaming away, yeah!

  1. Theis says:

    My great­est hope for elud­ing the evil eye of copy­right own­ers and their slimy helpers is that my taste in music is so awful and main-streamy that no one will care to lis­ten to it, much less go through the effort of stop­ping my streaming…

    :) on behalf of Linux Finn

  2. Lars says:

    But isn’t the very point of mainstream-music that a lot of peo­ple lis­ten to it ? Uh-oh…

  3. Theis says:

    Oh damn — yes — as usual, my fail­ing intel­lect has sent me careen­ing down the path of eter­nal damna­tion — Now, I will never be invited to have din­ner at Peter A.G. Shoot…

  4. Lars says:

    That’s just an exam­ple for all you kids out there. Stay off drugs and rock’n roll!