Tiscali’s going down

Just spent 35 min­utes on the phone try­ing to get rid of my Tis­cali DSL con­nec­tion. Their total lack of sup­port com­bined with the most messed up account­ing sys­tem ever (mak­ing them believe bills hadn’t been payed etc.) made me quit in the first place, but not to any­ones sur­prise they tried to extend the notice I had to give. Basi­cally they throw away your let­ter, send out the con­fir­ma­tion 2 weeks late — and inform you that you have to pay 2 extra months…without any expla­na­tion. So I just spent 35 min­utes get­ting explained that…well, er..basiclly that they screwed up…which I already knew… Now I just have to wait for another con­fir­ma­tion let­ter, and the poor guy at the hot­line didn’t even dis­agree that I prob­a­bly haven’t heard the last of them… They’re sooo in the wrong track and it’s just a mat­ter of time before they crash to the ground. Words of wis­dom: Don’t go there!

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