Go Syndirella

I’ve been run­ning Syn­dirella for a cou­ple of days now, and to me it seems a great deal bet­ter than Fee­dreader. The dif­fer­ence in nav­i­gat­ing actu­ally comes out to Syndirella’s advan­tage, and the sup­port of the dif­fer­ent for­mats are bet­ter. So is the built-in browser. Unfor­tu­nately, some of the feeds I used to have in Fee­dreader won’t show up in Syn­dirella — on the other hand; these are prob­a­bly the exact ones caus­ing Fee­dreader to stall on updates and use up 250+ MBs of mem­ory… They are both open source and I’m look­ing for­ward to fol­low devel­op­ment. For the time being, I’ll prob­a­bly keep on run­ning them both side by side.

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