Blogroll from OPML via XSLT

Since swith­c­ing to Syn­dirella I’ve wanted to gen­er­ate my blogroll from the OPML file hold­ing my sub­scrip­tions. So now there’s a blogroll on the left of the site, still includ­ing some rather poor blogs added dur­ing my feed craze. I’ve used MSXML to trans­form my XML on the server using XSL and haven’t done per­for­mance test­ing yet. I’m still new to the whole XSL thing and actu­ally I’d rather have tested it out using some of the XML parsers for the Apache server as I’m cur­rently work­ing on a project where this could come in handy. But for now my own hosted Microsoft server had to do. Source code (not too pretty) here. So now I just need Syn­dirella to be able to save my sub­scrip­tion file directly on the net (would solve the prob­lems when using another client on the lap­top) — or maybe I could just get the file from my own com­puter using XML-RPC or some­thing… Well, I don’t know — not sure I’ve under­stood every­thing yet.

Oh, and my for­mer blogroll (for some strange rea­son con­sist­ing exclu­sively of blogs with­out

RSS feeds has been removed. If it’s not RSS I don’t need to know… New project: Mak­ing every­one aknowl­edge the impor­tance of feeds. “Feed my RSS addiction”.

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