Traffic Island Disks

While brows­ing the par­tic­i­pant list of the Copen­hagen Inter­po­la­tion, extract­ing a bit of domain names (come on, you do it as well…), I stum­bled across the Traf­fic Island Disks, a Lon­don based radio stream­ing through Resonance104.4fm. Beside mak­ing me miss liv­ing in Lon­don (which I been think­ing more and more about for the past months), it is based on a great idea; stop­ping peo­ple in the street, ask­ing them what they lis­ten to on their mini­discs, ipods etc., play­ing a mix of the actual music in a half hour show. Lon­don is lit­er­ally packed with peo­ple tak­ing their portable music pretty damn seri­ous, and the fact that peo­ple are using their music for all sorts of things makes the city vibrate with dif­fer­ent moods and states of mind based on the music play­ing in their ears. Must.get.ipod.and.plane.ticket.soon.

Culture. URL.

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