I want one…well, actually…

While a 4 Giga­byte Com­pact­Flash Mem­ory Card would defi­nately solve a lot of my dig­i­tal imag­ing prob­lems (appa­rantly 6GB ones are just around the cor­ner) the main prob­lem is still bat­tery life. Even with a 64MB card, I’m hav­ing trou­ble keep­ing my bat­tery alive while fill­ing the card — same goes for my old lap­top. Yes, it’s old and noisy, but would make a great trav­el­ling com­pan­ion if it wasn’t for the poor bat­tery. You think wifi’s cool? well, if I can’t have proper bat­ter­ies, I want wire­less power…

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