Open Space Silly Head

I attended Myg­dal’s open­space gath­er­ing (which is an excel­lent way of orga­niz­ing meet­ings!) and beside some really inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions on how we facil­i­tate the energy, work together, share thoughts and ideas while find­ing joy in our envi­ron­ment of work, relax­ing, social­iz­ing (it’s about the buzz, baby — not the hype) — the meetup included meet­ing some really nice peo­ple. Unfor­tu­nately I hadn’t got the time to stay and find out who was who, but what do ya know, mblog comes to the res­cue. It turns out I’ve been read­ing some of these people’s blogs for quite some time and this blog even appears on one of the blogrolls. What my point is? Well, when offered the chance, one (read: I) should really go for some good, old-fashioned human-to-human inter­ac­tion. Every­thing else is just plain silly…

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