Blogrolling with SharpReader

After switch­ing to the won­der­ful SharpReader (just out in ver. I’ve ben try­ing to orga­nize my sub­scrip­tions a bit. Still some way to go, try­ing to fig­ure out what cat­e­gories make the most sense on a daily basis, but I’ll get there :) Any­way, the OPML sub­scrip­tion list being out­putted by SharpReader is a bit dif­fer­ent than the pre­vi­ous one because of the cat­e­gories, so I made some adjust­ments to the XSL sheet. As I’m not par­tic­u­larly proud of my cat­e­gories (the largest one being ‘unsorted’), I’m not reflect­ing them directly in the blogroll just yet, just as I haven’t done any­thing to sort them in any way clever, but the edited XSL sheet is of course yours to grab any­way. I’m still using the MSXML for the tran­sor­ma­tion as the server host­ing still hasn’t got Sablotron. Look­ing for­ward to a new server some­where ahead…

Blogging. URL.

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