More OSX endeavours

Still work­ing from a Power­Book, I get to install new soft­ware now and again. iTunes4 is nice, the Music­Store is pretty well layed out and import­ing some cds to accom­pany me while work­ing here and there is so damn sim­ple. I like it! Just installed Hydra which is look­ing clever. Only prob­lem is: I don’t really know any­one using Mac with whom I work with reg­u­larly on projects where Hydra could come in handy. Maybe some­one at Arena wants to play… The found­ing meet­ing last wednes­day was great energy, and I’m really look­ing for­ward to take part in the exper­i­ment. Nor­mally, I would have made links of the dif­fer­ent pieces of soft­ware just men­tioned, but for some rea­son the lit­tle for­mat tool­bar isn’t there in Safari…

Misc.. URL.

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