Camphone concerns

I gotta get mblog­ging, but I’m hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ties decid­ing what phone to choose. The Nokia 3650 is a smart­phone at a very rea­son­able price, but it’s a bit big and I’m not too sure I like the design. The Sony­Er­ic­s­son is far more ele­gant, way smaller, but it isn’t a real smart­phone and hasn’t got the Sym­bian OS. Its 2 MB of mem­ory isn’t exactly an advan­tage either. But they both take pic­tures and have email clients, which relly is all I need to do pic­ture posts. What to choose? Thoughts appre­ci­ated! My guess is I’m gonna miss the Sym­bian and all the stuff going on devel­op­ing for it.

Update: Did a lousy rescale to show the dif­fer­ence in size.

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